Monday, November 14, 2011


Kickstarter is a website that gives you the opertunity to invest in an idea, prototype, art project,and final product. And you decide where your money goes.

Sometimes you get a prototype, or the fist batch made, or your name in a book, or some other souvenire that reminds you that you helped someones dream become reality.

For as little as a dollar you can support an idea. other gifts come at slightly higher prices, depending on a product. For me, I invsted in a product that is now available at major retail stores. Only mine has a dIfferent logo, and I got mine 6 months earlier than the stores. A tablet stand (that is very comfortable on my lap as I type here) that swivels, and one extra to be a gift.

And as the project was funded, and we followed our inventors as they delt with makeing the molds and polymers for the different parts, them making them again as problems arrose. Of shipping details, and last minute testing issues that can only be found by small children. It becoms more than just investing, its a story that only few will know.

And now when I look at them in the store, made by a larger company that in the end bought the idea and made more, I smile. I know the story behind this gadget, the ups and downs, the late nights and problems, the comunity that gatherred behind this project, like they do for many projects at kickstarter.

Every month there is a new newsletter, with a few choice funding options. And I marvel at what people make. Not some rocket-scientist, but our neighbours.

Check them out. Marvel at innovation.

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